Friday, April 8, 2011

Last Synigas Shot

Took Emmett to the doctor today to get his synigas shot. I am glad to be done with that, but at the same time I am also nerves to be done. At the doctor's, Emmett's stats where lower then normal. They were in the 70's and usually they are in the low 90's. Dr. Jopling was nerves about his numbers and wanted to talk to Dr. Su.

Morgan went with us and was so cute at the doctor. The last couple of days she has just been talking and telling stories a lot lately. Morgan loved talking to the nurse. Morgan said to the nurse: "I have a book of Mormon and it talks about Jesus Christ and Holy Ghost!" "I go to the Holy Ghost house on Sunday's and play with my friends the Sun Beams." Then she started singing Follow The Prophet.

I am so happy that Morgan is learning a lot from her Sun Beam's class. 

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